Wastelands Radio Show- EP 114 - Robocop: Dark Justice
WASTELANDS - An Australian B-grade, Punk Rock, Street Trash online radio show hosted by long time partners in slime Adam (085c3n3) Obscene and Mark-O-Mark, pondering punk oddities, b grade movies, and trashy treasures.
Episode 113
Robocop: Dark Justice
In this episode Adam and Mark look at the little known made for Canadian telly 2001 Robocop movie Dark Justice.
Robocop stumbles across information uncovering an evil group of government officials that must be stopped.- Director Julian Grant given the budget constraints delivers an interesting first part in a four part series call Robocop Prime Directives, which includes Dark Justice, Meltdown, Resurrection and Crash & Burn. Dark Justice is an improvement on the 1994 TV series, going back to its more violent roots. Even with a made-for-TV look and very low budget, Robocop costume and practical effects are brought to the screen quite well. The villain Bone Machine's costume is a little over the top along with Richard Fitzpatrick's performance. The tone is a mixed bag like some dialogue and visuals effects.
There's the staple news reports and adverts synonyms with the films and it includes Murphy's (now older) son and working for OCP. Overall, while expanding the Robocop character despite some production short coming, Dark Justice is a fun watch thanks to the crazy storyline, cheese dialogue and some good performances.
Watch it HERE on Tubi
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