Ep. 126 - Trick or Treat Revisited
WASTELANDS - An Australian B-grade, Punk Rock, Street Trash online radio show exploring the vast undiscovered cultural wastelands as a creative pursuit. Hosted by long time partners in slime Adam (085c3n3) Obscene and Mark-O -Mark, pondering punk oddities, trashy treasures, street levelness, life, culture and stuff.
Episode 126
.Trick or Treat Revisited
In this episode Adam and Mark turn their attention back to the 1986 Metalsploitation masterpiece – Trick or Treat. Starring Skippy of Family Ties and featuring special guest appearances by rock superstars Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne and a dynamic heavy metal soundtrack by Fastway. Listen in as they explain why they believe Trick or Treat a metal horror classic.
A semi-outcast high school kid and metal head Eddie Weinbauer (Marc Price - Family Ties -Skippy) is bullied by the popular crowd and is compelled to get revenge. After the death of his heavy metal idol Sammi Curr (Tony Fields- former Solid Gold Dancer) a devastated Eddie, discovers he can enlists the aid of the dead satanic rock star, through the backmasking a demo of Curr's unleased album. But as Hallowe'en night approaches shit gets outta hand and Eddie is the only one that can stop Sammi from making a satanic comeback from beyond the grave. A coming-of-age metalsploitation flick that mixes elements of "Christine" (1983), "Carrie" (1976) and the first Nightmare on elm street movies, but it strangely never attained the popularity of those films, which still doesn’t explains why there was never a sequel.
Trick Or Treat is a fine example of Hollywood jumping on the "backwards messages in metal music" bandwagon that Tipper Gore and her Washington Wives kick-started the satanic panic in the mid-'80.
This is a great movie if viewed in the proper context - It was meant to be a parody of teen-horror-devil-worship movies (and the '80s saw plenty of them) it is a particular stand out in the metalsploitation genre as it has great cameos by Gene Simmons and Ozzy.
All songs in the movie are performed by the band "Fastway" which was formed by - Motorhead Guitarist "Fast" Eddie Clarke, and bassist Pete Way, formerly of UFO.and current "Flogging Molly" vocalist Dave King.
Features - A brief clip with Ozzy Osbourne as Rev. Aaron Gilstrom which he adlibbed also appears after the end credits.
Gene Simmons has a cameo as the radio DJ, Nuke. He did so as a way to pay tribute to his idol Wolfman Jack. He actually passed on playing the role of Sammi Curr.
The hellhound Skeezix was made by FX guru Kevin Yagher who also worked on Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) and Chucky in the "Child's Play" films
Directed by Charles Martin Smith, most know as an actor in American Graffiti and The Untouchables – but also directed Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Welcome to the Hellmouth (1997) Air Bud (1997)
Trick or Treat trailer-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYw5xKsTpKc
Fastway - Trick or Treat music clip
Trick or Treat soundtrack - Fastway
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